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Are you up to date with your FBAA CPD requirements?

Are you up to date with your FBAA CPD requirements?

Stay on top of your professional development and CPD points with the FBAA CPD table.

As a broker, you are required to collect CPD hours throughout your membership year. The FBAA events calendar is designed to give you access and flexibility to achieve your CPD requirements.

Find out below many FBAA CPD hours you will accrue from attending summits, workshops, webinars, professional development days, the industry’s largest national conference and more.

CPD Activity


CPD Hours Awarded


Reading and reviewing industry-relevant published materials (e.g., online reading, trade publications, podcasts, online tutorials, industry newsletters, pre-recorded webinars, Wikibroker)

1 CPD hour per hour of research/reading.

Maximum 6 CPD hours per renewal year

PD Days, Seminars, Presentations, Conventions/Summits, Workshops

Educational content provided by relevant industry organisation/expert (face to face or online based)

1 CPD hour per hour of relevant educational content.

Maximum 12 CPD hours per renewal year


Examples include Aggregator Annual Conference and FBAA National Conference

1 CPD hour per hour of relevant educational content.

Maximum 8 CPD hours per conference day

Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking - FNS40815

Only allowable for your first renewal if completed immediately before joining FBAA

1 CPD hour per hour of educational delivery or examination.

Maximum 15 CPD hours per renewal

Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management - FNS50315

If completed for additional learning later in your career

1 CPD hour per hour of educational delivery or examination.

Maximum 25 CPD hours per renewal year

Delivering Education

Delivering a presentation, demonstration, or being an educator for a finance-related course

1 CPD hour per hour of delivery.

Maximum 6 CPD hours per renewal year

Structured Professional Education

Qualifications and structured courses delivered by an Australian RTO, higher education provider, or industry-recognised course provider (e.g., Kaplan, CPD Rise).
1 CPD hour per hour of relevant educational content. Maximum 12 CPD hours per renewal year.

Mentoring or Being Mentored

Time spent learning from your mentor and mentoring others

1 CPD hour per hour of mentoring (both mentor and mentee).

Maximum 15 CPD hours per renewal year

Financial Planning CPD

Accepted if you are also a Financial Planner, as long as it is finance-related

1 CPD hour per hour of Financial Planning.

Maximum 10 CPD hours per renewal year

Finance and Coffee

Participating in the Finance & Coffee community online

1 CPD hour per hour of relevant educational content.

Maximum 5 CPD hours per renewal year

Composing an Industry Article or Paper

Production of an article or paper for a recognised industry publication

1 CPD hour per hour of production.

Maximum 6 CPD hours per renewal year

Participating in Industry Forums or Groups

Actively participating as a presenter or panellist in industry forums, committees, discussion groups, communities of practice, boards, and panels

1 CPD hour per hour of active participation.

Maximum 6 CPD hours per renewal year

For a full outline of how you can claim CPD hours, download the FBAA CPD Categories and Allocated Hours form below. Additionally, the FBAA has a new fillable CPD Card you can complete – it even adds the hours for you.

2024 FBAA CPD Categories and Allocated Hours Form


Follow these simple steps to keep track of your CPD hours:
1. Log into your Membership Portal and select the Education Institute at the top of the page.
2. Navigate to My Dashboard in the menu bar.
3. Select My CPD's from your Dashboard and then Add External CPD Activities under your Professional Development Statement.
4. Fill in the details of the events/activities and download a PDF for your own records (this is not required by the FBAA).


If you are looking to accredit your events or training sessions with FBAA CPD codes, you can now submit a request through our CPD Code Request Form. Please ensure that you accurately specify the type and duration of your event/training to request the appropriate amount of CPD hours and CPD Code will be issued to you via email.

Submit a CPD Code Request