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MTI - Membership Transfer Initiative
In recognition of your professional industry status, qualifications and membership with all recognised broking industry associations, you can now join the FBAA with the Member Transfer Initiative.
- Significantly cheaper per year than other associations.
- Interest-free payment option*
- 10% discount off renewal when you refer a new member*.
- Exclusive access to the FBAA Member Benefits program with over 4,500 products and services.
- Joining is free, quick and easy.
To transfer simply click on the button below to submit your application.
Note: If you have less than 1 month left on your other membership you will pay the normal FBAA annual membership, which may be less than what you have been paying.
Terms & Conditions
An application for membership must be submitted via our online membership application at
During the online application, an Applicant is required to provide the following information:
- Copy of other Certificate which must be current. Please note that if your other membership is in a company name you will be required to provide a copy of your ‘Statement of Attainment’.
*Note: no other documents are required for the application except for memberships which are required to be in a company name. In this instance, an ASIC company extract is required. During the online application you will be asked to upload a current ASIC Extract (this should be dated no more than 7 days prior to your application and shows all current directors and shareholders. For the FBAA membership fee to be waived for the initial period, the application must have more than 1 month remaining on their other membership.
The free membership period is for the remaining period of your current “other membership” but only where there is more than 1 month remaining on either Membership.
Membership Renewal:
Upon your first renewal with us, in place of renewal documents, all we will need is an email, confirming you have the 3 below requirements and they are current:
- Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance Certificate of Currency.
- External Dispute Resolution Certificate (AFCA).
- AML/CTF Refresher training, completed within the last 12 months.
At the end of your other membership period and or the renewal of FBAA membership, the standard FBAA membership fee will apply. After your first renewal, each subsequent renewal will require the standard renewal documents.
To Complete Your Renewal:
1. Login to your membership portal here
2. Access your Renewal Subscription under “Subscriptions” in the left side menu.
3. Click the “play” triangle to the right of the subscription you are renewing. This will take you through the renewal process to make payment, complete the renewal declaration and self declaration of complete CPD over the last 12 months. Agree to the “true and correct” declaration and hit submit, you will then be able to download your current membership certificate.
4. Email your confirmation of the above to